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James TomarelliJames Tomarelli is a practicing student of the Gurdjieff Tradition since 1967.

In 1969, James withdrew from The University of Delaware to begin practical studies in "the psychology of our possible evolution" — in California, with biologist Robert de Ropp; in England with philosopher J.G. Bennett.

While a yearlong student at J.G. Bennett's Academy for Continuous Education in England, James, at age 29, deepened and expanded his understanding and practice of Gurdjieff's Legacy.

Since 1984, James has — in the USA and abroad — guided committed groups, and shared with others what he received from the many direct students of Gurdjieff with whom he worked.

Today, along with friends and associates in Italy, Germany, Austria and the USA, James is researching the role of active attention as fundamental agency in The Work.

A longtime meditator in the Buddhist Vipassana tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, and a student of the Sufi mystic M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, James resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico.