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<empty>slide-francesca.2jpgFrancesca Pompeo is artistic director of Teatro del Montevaso, an actress, and a dancer.

Her present work in Experimental Theater builds on twenty years of research into presence-with-sensation on stage as well as in life. In a workshop Francesca aims to investigate how to be present and open, how to awaken and cultivate the three worlds (spiritual, emotional, physical), and how to work on the energy of presence, on the pre-expressive authenticity of it, by working with the body through structured exercises and guided improvisations, and basic exercises of contact and group listening.

Since 2002 Francesca has been a student of the Gurdjieff Work guided by James Tomarelli; and since 2012 she and James have been collaborating and integrating their respective professional insights and practices in cooperative Gurdjieff Dance and Experimental Theater workshops.

And, from Autumn 2014 to the present, the unique collaboration of Francesca and James includes a rigorous exploration of FORM &_PERCEPTION — a Francesca-created laboratory-within-a-laboratory, which complements and deepens traditional individual and group work. Read more>